Thursday, July 21, 2011

Box House

So Grandma sent us some of Oma's paintings and they were packed in these HUGE boxes.

Today, we decided to make a big play house with the boxes. The added bonus is that half the house (one box) can also be used as a puppet theater. Let the fun commence.

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symbiotic relationship

Abby LOVES Lily. And Lily . . . well, she seems to understand that Abby is where scrounged food comes from and lets Abby do pretty much whatever she wants. Abby loves to lean against Lily and use her as a pillow seat.
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Friday, July 1, 2011

Craig and Kids

Here are a few pics of Craig and the kids before we headed off to a luau themed wedding last weekend. While the pigtails were super cute, they only lasted about 10 minutes before Abby pulled them out. She is not a huge fan of having her hair "done."

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