Wednesday, April 16, 2008

More of the same

I wish I could send these all at the same time. Here's another shot of Ben and Alex drawing. The 2nd shot was just a cute one of Ben. The last is of "my boys" hanging out on the only sunny warm day we have had so far during this rather bleak and frigid spring
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Last week in Ben's Life ...

First shot is of Ben playing at my art table. He gets a kick at sitting on Momma's tall chair and checking out all the cool, messy supplies.

Second photo is Ben and Alex reading a book together--not the first time they've been caught doing this--Alex came to Ben's daycare for a week and did this there too--Ben was quite sad to see Alex go back to his regular daycare.

The third photo is Alex and Ben playing--pretty self explanatory.
The next shot is Ben showing Alex the ropes of drawing on an easel.Posted by Picasa

Thursday, April 3, 2008

'After' Nap Time

Yep, so these are photos of Ben after his nap yesterday. He didn't want to go down for a nap, but apparently once asleep, he didn't want to wake up. We tried everything to get him up--finally we turned on the TV--always an attention getter for him. It did the trick :) 
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